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After working in the accounting industry for 10+ years, Seth saw a serious lack of modern and innovative processes and solutions. He saw an opportunity to create something of his own, helping businesses grow and thrive, while cutting out the b.s. **if you catch our drift


No more billable hours, counting minutes and prioritizing things that will "earn more money" over those that will help businesses succeed. At Brody Solutions, we are all about value pricing for success, rather than billing minute by minute. 


A little bit about Seth: He has his Masters in Accounting and Finance, is a Quickbooks ProAdvisor, has worked at CPA firms, multi-million dollar manufacturing companies, a boutique financial wealth firm and more. He is a lifelong racquetball player (and yes, pickleball too), loves his Tottenham Hotspur, Star Wars and spending time with his wife, two young kids and french bulldog, Lucy.


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